The purpose of this Workshop was to discuss and propose practical and useful applications of the VR and simulated tasks combined, at least with one on-site training that has been defined and developed for Givaudan facilities, for the internal training in O&M (operation and maintenance) or Contingency plans related to the HyCool Systems, in the demo site workers may perform maintenance or repair tasks, with a twofold objective of an easier and better integration of the system in the virtual environment linked to the real-time performance data, through the SCADA control system connected remotely. The activities demonstrated during the workshop, have been discussed with the objective to propose more simple and basic tasks, monitored by Ecotherm initially and with the support of Fahrenheit and AIT for future improvements, for the rest of the equipment installed, and including the Givaudan experience conclusions as end-user, providing suitable usability tips about this kind of tools for its internal training. At the same time, the VR / ITS tool has been shown and demonstrated by IDP as a developer, to be familiar during the final General Assembly and the final reporting meetings as one of the main results of the project.