Fresnex Presents Hycool in the Cies 2018 Congress in Madrid

Last June Fresnex presented the HyCool project at the CIES 2018 in Madrid (XVI Congreso Ibérico y XII Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar), the most important solar energy congress in the Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries. In this congress, the most interesting and novel projects related to all major solar technologies are presented and discussed, with the presence of the all relevant stakeholders from the sector.

Fresnex is an Austrian manufacturer of solar concentrating technology based on an innovative approach using flat solar mirror modules to concentrate the sun on a receiver. The Fresnel based concept to provide concentrated solar heat (CSH) is a major pillar of the HyCool hybrid solar heating and cooling project. It was developed specifically for process heat in the industry, is ideal for rooftop applications and aims to drastically reduce the costs of solar heat thanks to its patented technology. The company was invited to present its latest developments and upcoming projects in Spain. During the speech, Fresnex briefly described the HyCool project and the corresponding implementation in two industrial demonstration sites in the area of Barcelona.

Fresnex is playing an important role in the introduction of effective CSH projects in industrial applications in the European market. Each installation reduces substantially the consumption of fuel fossils for thermal applications in the industry, generating both a positive impact in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and real savings in the industry’s yearly fuel bills. Both HyCool demonstrators will prove for the first time in Spain the real potential of CSH in the industry. They will mainly generate solar steam, solar hot water as well as solar cooling in combination with novel phase change storage technologies.

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